Labyrinth of ConFusion would like to announce its Fan Guest of Honor Kurt Erichsen!
Kurt Erichsen has been a prolific fan writer and cartoonist since age 10. Kurt edited the comics/fiction zine Endeavor from 1970-1977, contributed to other fanzines, and joined several apas. In the 80s, he syndicated his comic strip Murphy’s Manor to LGBT newspapers, ultimately running 28 years. He also published stories in Gay Comix, Meatmen, and other LGBT magazines and books. Fanzine contributions included Mimosa, File 770, Lan’s Lantern, Ansible, Science Fiction Review, Mimosa, Challenger, Reluctant Famulusm, Argentus, Drink Tank, Askance, Corflu 35, and many others.
Kurt was a participant in the ConFusion art show from the early 1980s, and served on the ConCom as head of the Art Program from 2016-2019. In 1985 and 1987 Kurt was recognized by the Gay/Lesbian Press Association for Outstanding Achievement in Illustration, and in SF fandom, receiving the Bill Rotsler Award for fan cartooning in 2002.
Kurt’s fanzine publications in the 1970s used ditto & mimeo, but has kept up with today’s technology, publishing several books through Amazon. In 2018 he revived Endeavor, publishing #14, 15, and 16. He also produced one Murphy’s Manor book, The 30-Year Wedding, and a collection of his Christmas cards: Happy Holidays! (But is it Science Fiction?). His current work in progress is Murphy’s Manor: Meg for Mayor.